Reception/KS1 Sports Day

Reception/KS1 Sports Day: Thursday 4th July 2024   Start Time: 9.30am  Finish: approx 11.30ish

Spectators are welcome to arrive on the field from 9:15am.

Sports days should finish around 11.30 but they can run over due to the nature of the events.

The schedule of our sports day will continue to be a carousel of field events/activities and then move on to competitive element of races.

Children can come to school in their PE kits and remain in them for the rest of the day! Can children please wear the colour of their house in the form of a t-shirt so that all groups can be easily recognised, and each child can see they are representing their house. Ironbridge (Blue) Wenlock (Yellow) Granville (Green) Wrekin (Red)

Don’t worry too much if this isn’t possible, wear as close to the colour or just a normal white PE top.

Please provide your child with a water bottle and a sun hat. It’s going to be a hot day so please make sure that your child has sun cream applied in the morning before they leave for school.

You are welcome to take pictures and video clips of your child but please do not add them to any social media. We look forward to holding an enjoyable sports day for all children and parents to be a part of!