Important Information for Parents Including Sports Day

As the end of term is fast approaching, I wanted to share our arrangements to support the children and yourselves as parents and carers in their transition to the next year group in September.


On Tuesday 16th July, there will be an opportunity for you to visit the classrooms and meet the teachers in the year group that your child/ren will be moving up to. This will be from 3.30 – 4.30. There will be general information about the new routines and expectations for the year group, as well as examples of the expectations and standards of the curriculum. You will hopefully find this a useful opportunity to become familiar with the classroom environments and ask any general questions about the transition so that you are able to support your child/ren in the best way possible.


There will be plenty of signage and guidance around school to help you find the right areas of school on the day!


Other key dates / information:


Thursday 27th June, 9.30 – 11.30: Sports Day for all children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 – Parents Welcome


Thursday 4th July, 9.30 – 11.30: Sports Day for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – Parents Welcome


Friday 12th July: End of Year Reports sent home to parents / carers, including details of your child’s teacher for September. At this stage, staff in school will not tell the children who their next teacher will be and it is your choice if you choose to do so when receiving the report. We will tell the children on Monday 15th July


Tuesday 16th July: ‘shuffle up’ afternoon where children will spend time in their new classes with their new teacher. Children are to be collected from their new classrooms. Parent information session (as detailed above) to follow immediately afterwards in classrooms.


We look forward to working with you to make sure that the transition from your child’s current class into September is as happy and successful as possible.


With best wishes,

Mrs Pritchard