Year 3

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Mrs Holmes
Year 3 and Year 6 Teacher
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Mrs Owen
Year 3 & 4 Area Leader / Year 3 Teacher
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Mrs Thomas
Year 3 Teacher
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Miss Davies
Year 3 Teacher

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

We look forward to working alongside you in what we hope will be an exciting and successful year for your child.

There are two classes in year 3. Your child will be in class ET/SH with Mrs Holmes (Mon-Tues) and Mrs Thomas (Wed-Fri) or in class KO with Mrs Owen.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Thornton and Mrs Jewell

Weekly Timetable

Children will have homework set on a Friday afternoon and we expect it to be completed and submitted in class on a Wednesday. We will be uploading homework on the website and send home a copy in your child’s homework book. Spellings for the week will also be uploaded to the school website for parents and children to access and practice at home. They will begin practicing the week’s spellings within class on a Monday and tested on a Friday.

P.E for both classes is with Mr Perez and Miss Smith. The children need to have their  P.E kit in school for this.

PE in year 3 is on a Monday and a Thursday. Children will need to bring their PE kit into school in a clearly labelled bag.

We use Class Dojo to let parents know how when their children receive praise for something they have done in school. This could include:

  • Sensible behaviour
  • Excellent effort
  • Kindness
  • Great work

Once you have downloaded the Class Dojo app and inputted the unique code for your child you will receive alerts when your child has earned a ‘dojo’. This can really help reinforce the praise that we are giving at school as well as being a useful reminder when children say they can’t remember what happened at school.

Please note that we are not using all of the features of Class Dojo at Muxton. We will continue to use the year group email addresses for communication with teachers so please do not use the messaging section of Class Dojo as this will not be monitored.

Do let us know if you need any help with setting up Class Dojo on your device. We will be happy to help! Download it for Apple or Android here.

Links to Online Resources

BugClub We subscribe to BugClub to give you access to a wide selection of online books for KS1 and KS2. Once your child has read a book they can then answer comprehension questions to check their understanding. Your child will have a logon card stuck into their Home School Links book. Children’s activity will be checked weekly.

PurpleMash PurpleMash has a suite of software that can be used to support learning across the curriculum – your child will have a logon card stuck into their Home School Links book.

BBC Bitesize BBC Bitesize has a range of learning materials for KS1 and KS2 children.

Sumdog Sumdog has a range of great maths games that can be played online  – your child will have a logon card stuck into their Home School Links book.

Kiddle Kiddle is a safe search engine for children.


Helpful documents

Primary school National curriculum

Progression of spellings and phonics from Year 1 to Year 6


Curriculum Planning

 Autumn term newsletter

Spring term newsletter

Summer term newsletter

Knowledge organisers



Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Fractions Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Length and Perimeter Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Mass and Capacity Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Money Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Multiplication and Division Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Number and Place Value Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Properties of Shapes Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Statistics Maths Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Time Knowledge Organiser


Aumtumn – Rocks Knowledge Organiser

Spring 1 – Light Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 – Forces and Magnets Knowledge organiser

Summer 1 – Animals including humans Knowledge Organiser

Summer 2 – Plants Knowledge Organiser


Stone Age Knowledge Organiser

The Romans knowledge organiser


Theme Autumn 1 – Knowledge Organiser Italy

Theme Summer 1 and 2 – volcano and mountain organiser


Year 3- 3.1 Coding

Year 3- 3.2 Online Safety



Useful Information

You will receive a newsletter at the beginning of each term to give you more information about what your child will be learning in each subject area. This will also give more specific details about homework and projects which we will be doing during the year.

If you have any queries or concerns, no matter how simple they may seem, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the year 3 email inbox –