Year 3 and 4 Library links

Year 3 and 4 classes are looking forward to a visit by Telford and Wrekin librarians on Monday 2nd December.

The librarians will be sharing excerpts from books with the children, introducing them to new and popular authors for their age range and encouraging them to think about joining their local libraries.

The libraries are free to join. Children will be given a membership card and be able to borrow from and return to any library in Telford. Our nearest one is Donnington, but there is a lovely new library in Southwater, Telford and Wellington.

Children can borrow up to 16 books at a time and have them for 3 weeks. There are no fines imposed on children’s tickets.

In addition to this, the libraries run different activities and craft clubs. They also have CD books and ebooks/eaudio, which are accessed via a free App.

We feel this is a fantastic service and would like to encourage the children to become members of their library. We are pleased to be able to continue the link made and will be having further opportunities to meet the librarians throughout the year.

Granville Walk for Children in Year 3

Dear Parents, As part of our English work, we will be walking the children to the Granville behind school for an hour on Tuesday 26th. The children need to wear school uniform as usual. They will need to bring trousers and wellingtons  to change into and a warm coat.

We will be keeping an eye on the weather as we will not go if it is raining.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher.

Many Thanks

Mrs Turner

Fire safety visit from Blue Watch

On Tuesday, the Year 3 children spent the afternoon with Blue Watch learning about fire safety. They learnt how to spot hazards and what to do in the event of a fire. The afternoon was finished off with a visit to the fire engine!

visit from Blue Watch

The History Man!

The Year 3 children were very lucky to spend a day with The History Man as an introduction to the Stone Age. They were able to interact with tools,  crafts, cookery, and clothing from the period. The subject was bought to life by the wealth of knowledge and huge array of artefacts that he bought with him!

photos for children