Missing scooter

Dear Parents and carers,

A child in year 2’s scooter has gone missing at the end of the day today. It is a blue, two wheeler scooter and was kept by the bicycle racks near year 5/6.

If your child comes to school with a scooter could you please check that they have taken the correct scooter home with them.

Thank you

Year 6 swimming starts Monday 10th June

Swimming sessions will be taking place at Newport swimming pool for Year 6. Lessons will always be on a Monday afternoon starting with Monday 10th June

Monday 10th June

Monday 17th June

Monday 24th June

Monday 1st July

All children will need their swimming kits that include a suitable swimming costume, goggles if necessary and a towel. This needs to be in a plastic bag so it can be transported to and from swimming easily. Normal uniform will still be worn and will be changed into again after swimming.

Your child will be assessed in terms of their competency within the water and then split into groups where they will receive appropriate support.

Please fill in this brief form to let us know how your child is currently getting on with their swimming.

Year 6 swimming reminder – Muxton Primary School

PE changes

After half term, Mrs Fowler and Mr Powis’ class will be swapping PE sessions.

This will mean the following:

Mr Powis’ class will have PE on a Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs Fowler’s class will have PE on a Friday morning.

This change will happen in the first week of next half term and carry on until the end of the year.

Year 6 Bikeability

Each Bikeability group consists of 12 pupils and it takes place over 2 days during school hours. All pupils need to be able to ride a 2 wheeled bike unaided (no stabilisers.) Pupils need their bikes for both days and we can supply bikes and helmets for those who don’t have them – we just need to know the numbers required a few weeks in advance to arrange this.

(They complete their Level 1 on the first day and start the Level 2, then on the second day they go out onto the roads to complete their Level 2)

 We have the following courses booked in:

  • Tuesday 4th June – Group 1
  • Wednesday 5th June – Group 1
  • Thursday 6th June – Group 2
  • Friday 7th June – Group 2
  • Tuesday 11th June – Group 3
  • Wednesday 12th June – Group 3
  • Thursday 13th June – Group 4
  • Friday 14th June – Group 4

You can collect a consent form from the office.

Please watch the below Bikeability Video for parents.

Mrs Haynes’ PE Monday 20th May

Mrs Haynes’ class will be having their PE session on Monday 20th May instead of Friday 24th May. Please ensure PE kits are brought in on Monday, ready for this session.

Many thanks

Mrs Haynes

Mental Health Awareness Week!

This afternoon Mrs Haynes class took part in a LIVE virtual assembly in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Week.

The children were very excited to meet Calvin Bassey and Tim Ream premier League footballers who play for Fulham FC. The children took part in Q+A discussing perseverance, resilience and mental health. 



Well Done Year 6!

We want to say how incredibly proud we are of each and every one of our Year 6 children this week as they have completed their SATs.

They have shown the most amazing enthusiasm and determination every day as they have powered through the tests with real focus, resilience and good humour!

We hope that you have a restful weekend ahead and look forward to making your last few weeks of your Muxton journey a happy and memorable time for you all.

From a very proud Mrs Pritchard and the Year 6 Team 🙂

Year 6 DT project

Dear Y6 Parents/Guardians/Friends,

We’re embarking on a creative venture and need your support to make it a reality! We’re reaching out to kindly request donations of the following items:

Cereal/ Food Boxes

Egg Boxes

Cardboard Rolls

Corrugated Cardboard

Please send in your donations with your child ASAP. Together, let’s inspire greatness and unleash the power of imagination!

Thank you for your support,

Year 6 Team

SATs week 13th May 2024

As you may already know(!) next week is SATs week for our lovely year 6 classes. We have been really impressed with the attitude shown by so many children who have really worked hard to improve on specific areas.

These tests help to inform secondary schools about how ready children are for the start of the year 7 curriculum. They are used to form predicted GCSE grades for secondary schools to reach.

Please help your child to get plenty of rest this weekend and lots of sleep. Some revision can definitely help too. See the links below.

Monday 13 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: Questions Paper 2: Spelling
Tuesday 14 May English reading English reading
Wednesday 15 May Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper 2: Reasoning
Thursday 16 May Mathematics Paper 3: Reasoning


Grammar: Free KS2 SATS Online 10-Minute Tests  and SATs Tests Online

Reading: Read this previous SATs test booklet and try these questions

Maths: This quiz is multiple choice and will help remind you of any areas of Maths that you need to check.

A mix of revision to keep taught material at the front of children’s minds and some sunshine will hopefully make for a nice weekend! 🙂