Day 2

Another incredible day at Pioneer! Fears conquered, pushing themselves to new heights and plenty of smiles on faces. Children all in bed and looking forward to their final day. Last photo of the night (but plenty to follow once we’re back at school next week when we have Wi-fi that works well).

Goodnight 🙂

Our day

Good evening everyone,

We have all had a busy but enjoyable first day here. We are about to complete one of our favourite activities “special friends” and then head to bed. Fingers crossed we will all sleep soundly. Everyone has tried really hard and completed activities outside their comfort zone. We are very proud of them!

We will update you at the end of tomorrow hopefully with some pictures.

Goodnight from Pioneer

⚽ Year 5/6 Football Kickabout

Tomorrow 6th September Y5/6 Muxton Primary will be holding a Football Kickabout for any boy or girl from Year 5 and 6 that would like to take part during lunch break.  They just have to come to the field in their PE kit (No Teams kits, please). Footwear MUST be astroturf boots or trainers. NO STUDS BOOTS ALLOWED.

Welcome back Year 6!

Good evening,

It was lovely to see the children and their happy faces today and they all worked really hard to learn the routines in Year 6. We are all really impressed with them.

We just wanted to make you aware of the arrangements for PE this year. Please can the children bring in their PE kit on their PE day in a bag which clearly has their name on it.

Mrs Fowler/Mrs Holmes’ class PE days are: Tuesday and Thursday

Mrs Haynes’ class PE days are: Tuesday and Friday

We will be sending reading records home when they arrive in school but in the mean time please encourage your child/ children to read as much as possible.

We are looking forward to working with you all throughout the year.


Year 6 team.

A Huge Thank You!

Message from School Council! 

A huge thank you to the PTFA for helping to raise money for our new play equipment ‘Ninja Zone’. We are slightly short of the amount required and our wonderful PTFA have made up the shortfall. Therefore, we are delighted to announce that the new equipment has been ordered and will be here when we return to school in September! As you are aware, all of the PTFA are volunteers and have given many hours to support school this year. Please see the photograph below of School Council members Rosa and Ferne presenting Naiomi Harper, Chair of the PTFA, with a bouquet of flowers and thank you cards. We would also like to thank all of you, the parents, for all of your support and donations towards PTFA events throughout the year.

Your 2023/24 School Council

Evelyn, Elsie, Olivia, Jonah, Robbie, Letty, Lily, Wilf, Sebastian, Noah, Mario, Thomas, Lilly, Tallulah, Michelle, Dilnaaz, Minahil, Eshaal, Dillon, Rosa, Ferne, Phoebe, Logan and Amber 


Please check for possible Scarlet Fever

We have recently seen a growing number of children with a rash on their arms and hands. It may be on other parts of the body as well. If your child has this rash it could be Scarlet Fever.

This information is taken from the Scarlet fever – NHS (

See a GP if you or your child:

  • have scarlet fever symptoms
  • do not get better in a week (after seeing a GP)
  • have scarlet fever and chickenpox at the same time
  • are ill again, weeks after scarlet fever got better – this can be a sign of a complication, such as rheumatic fever
  • are feeling unwell and have been in contact with someone who has scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is very easily spread. Check with a GP before you go in. They may suggest a phone consultation.