Spellings 27.9.24

This weeks spellings:

Snip need to focus on the spelling rules and high frequency at the end of the document

endings in ant and ance

Homework is in your books.


Have a good weekend 🙂

Spelling 20.9.24

Good afternoon,

Here are the spellings for this week to work on. We will hand these out on Monday in class as well.  Please have a look over the weekend and get a head start. Remember you have Maths and Reading homework in your bags.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Mrs Fowler and Mrs Holmes


endings in ant and ance

ant ance

Day 2

Another incredible day at Pioneer! Fears conquered, pushing themselves to new heights and plenty of smiles on faces. Children all in bed and looking forward to their final day. Last photo of the night (but plenty to follow once we’re back at school next week when we have Wi-fi that works well).

Goodnight 🙂

Our day

Good evening everyone,

We have all had a busy but enjoyable first day here. We are about to complete one of our favourite activities “special friends” and then head to bed. Fingers crossed we will all sleep soundly. Everyone has tried really hard and completed activities outside their comfort zone. We are very proud of them!

We will update you at the end of tomorrow hopefully with some pictures.

Goodnight from Pioneer

PE Kit

Dear Parents/Carers,

We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents/carers of our PE kit expectations.

Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school on their timetabled PE days. Please make sure that all items of uniform and kit are CLEARLY LABELLED

During PE lessons children are not allowed to wear jewellery of any kind, please ensure jewellery can be removed for PE or provide your child/children with tape. 

Kit should include:

White T-shirt

Black shorts or Black joggers/leggings.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Smith and Mr Perez

⚽ Year 5/6 Football Kickabout

Tomorrow 6th September Y5/6 Muxton Primary will be holding a Football Kickabout for any boy or girl from Year 5 and 6 that would like to take part during lunch break.  They just have to come to the field in their PE kit (No Teams kits, please). Footwear MUST be astroturf boots or trainers. NO STUDS BOOTS ALLOWED.