
Good morning all,

As I am working through your responses for parents evening, it has become apparent that Thursday 10th October 5:30 – 6:00 is a very popular slot haha! Therefore, I have begun assigning appointments based on the order I received the requests. I just wanted you to know in case you wondered why some of you had not quite got the slot you requested. I have tried my hardest to make your appointment as close to your requested time as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Santopietro

Names in clothes

Can we politely ask that you check if your child has their name in all the clothes they bring into school. We have already got quite a large pile of school clothes with no name in the cloakroom.

On a separate note, a girl in Mr Powis’ class has lost their black cardigan during PE last week. It was last seen in the girls changing area. Can you please check clothes that have been brought home belong to your child. If you have an item of clothing with someone else’s name on, please bring it back into school.




Mr Powis.

Year 5 History Man Day

Thank you to all that have paid so far for the History Man. The children have really enjoyed the day. They have engaged with lots of activities and learned new interesting things. If you have not paid yet for the History Man – It is still on Scopay for you to do so. Here are some of the photos taken of the activities.


Spellings WC 16.09.24

Good morning all,

We have been so impressed with the Science homework we have received so far. Well done – clearly a lot of effort has gone into this :). Please see below the spellings the children will be tested on on Friday:


Thank you for your continued support 🙂

Miss Santopietro and Mr Powis

Year 5 parental reminders

Good afternoon all,

Where has this week gone?

I just wanted to pop on here with a couple of reminders:

  • Please can I ask that all Pedestrian training letters are returned by next Tuesday. We need consent for your child to attend this training on Thursday and we are still missing a few.
  • Apologies if I have got slightly confused with what I have told you but I need to clarify that children are not allowed to walk home by themselves until Year 6. ALL children need to be collected from their classroom door which means you will need to collect them after collecting their younger sibling(s).

Have a lovely weekend!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Santopietro

Year 5 History man

Good afternoon

We are very pleased to confirm that the History man will be returning to deliver a full day covering the topic of Ancient Egypt. This will be on Monday 23rd September.

Please read the letter and head over to Scopay for the rest of the details.

History man letter

Year 5 Team.

Year 5 Pedestrian training

We hope all the children have enjoyed the first week in year 5.

Year 5 will be attending pedestrian training for an entire day in September

Mr Powis’ class will be Friday 20th September

Miss Santopietro will be Thursday 19th September

For your children to attend, the following form MUST be completed and brought back into the class teacher.

Pedestrian Training

⚽ Year 5/6 Football Kickabout

Tomorrow 6th September Y5/6 Muxton Primary will be holding a Football Kickabout for any boy or girl from Year 5 and 6 that would like to take part during lunch break.  They just have to come to the field in their PE kit (No Teams kits, please). Footwear MUST be astroturf boots or trainers. NO STUDS BOOTS ALLOWED.

Welcome to Year 5

We hope everyone has had a fantastic summer holiday and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Both classes will have have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday starting from Monday 9th September. Please ensure that PE kits are brought into school on both of these days.

Homework will be set on a Friday and is expected to be back in school by the following Wednesday. Children that finish it earlier are welcome to hand it in to their class teacher.

Finally, children will have the opportunity to do a speech on why they will be a good candidate for school council. This will take place this Friday (6th). Children are welcome to bring in a speech they have practiced or wrote at home. However, please not that due to most children wanting to give a speech, children will be limited to 60 seconds – so keep it brief!


Kind regards,

The Year 5 team.