Spellings WC 16.09.24

Good morning all,

We have been so impressed with the Science homework we have received so far. Well done – clearly a lot of effort has gone into this :). Please see below the spellings the children will be tested on on Friday:


Thank you for your continued support 🙂

Miss Santopietro and Mr Powis

Year 5 parental reminders

Good afternoon all,

Where has this week gone?

I just wanted to pop on here with a couple of reminders:

  • Please can I ask that all Pedestrian training letters are returned by next Tuesday. We need consent for your child to attend this training on Thursday and we are still missing a few.
  • Apologies if I have got slightly confused with what I have told you but I need to clarify that children are not allowed to walk home by themselves until Year 6. ALL children need to be collected from their classroom door which means you will need to collect them after collecting their younger sibling(s).

Have a lovely weekend!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Santopietro

Year 5 History man

Good afternoon

We are very pleased to confirm that the History man will be returning to deliver a full day covering the topic of Ancient Egypt. This will be on Monday 23rd September.

Please read the letter and head over to Scopay for the rest of the details.

History man letter

Year 5 Team.

Year 5 Pedestrian training

We hope all the children have enjoyed the first week in year 5.

Year 5 will be attending pedestrian training for an entire day in September

Mr Powis’ class will be Friday 20th September

Miss Santopietro will be Thursday 19th September

For your children to attend, the following form MUST be completed and brought back into the class teacher.

Pedestrian Training

Muxton’s Tennis Champion Elizabeth Dyke!

Huge congratulations to our tennis star Elizabeth Dyke in Year 5 for all of her amazing achievements over this past year and especially over the summer!

Elizabeth has had the following successes:

  • Won the Grade 4 Under 9’s Girls county tournament at Birchwood in January.
  • Won the Grade 3 Under 9’s Girls Regional tournament at Widnes in April.
  • Won the Grade 3 Under 9’s Girls Regional Tournament in Cardiff in May.
  • Representing Shropshire Girls Under 9’s at The Shrewsbury Club in March.
  • Representing Shropshire Girls Under 10’s at Stourbridge Tennis Club in May.
  • Finishing Runner up at 3 x Grade 3 Under 9’s Regional Tournaments at Derby, Sutton Coldfield and Shrewsbury Club,
  • Runner up at Under 10s Girls Singles at Ellesmere College.
  • Attending 3 regional camps with the National coach at Nottingham Tennis Centre.

Going into the summer period Elizabeth’s achieved her year goal by competing at the Grade 2 (National tournament) at Nottingham in July. This is where the best girls around the country compete over two days. Elizabeth finished 9th out of 36 girls. She had a great two days winning 7 of 10 games, and winning a special award, “resilient competitor” from the national coach.

Following this, Elizabeth then competed at the Warwickshire open and won the under 9’s Girls (Grade 3 Regional tournament) winning the final comprehensively in two sets.

These results propelled Elizabeth into the top 25 rankings in Great Britain for under 9 Girls. Gaining her entry into the Grade 1 Junior National Championships at Nottingham in August, where she was only one of two girls to represent the Midlands. Elizabeth won two out of three of her matches, losing out in two close two sets to the overall winner of the tournament.

To close the summer off Elizabeth won the Under 10’s singles, Under 9’s doubles and finished runner up at Under 10’s doubles at the Shropshire County Championships.

Elizabeth’s family and all of us here at Muxton are exceptionally proud of her achievements and look forward to seeing her celebrating more success in the future!

Mrs Pritchard 🙂

PE Kit

Dear Parents/Carers,

We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents/carers of our PE kit expectations.

Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school on their timetabled PE days. Please make sure that all items of uniform and kit are CLEARLY LABELLED

During PE lessons children are not allowed to wear jewellery of any kind, please ensure jewellery can be removed for PE or provide your child/children with tape. 

Kit should include:

White T-shirt

Black shorts or Black joggers/leggings.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Smith and Mr Perez

⚽ Year 5/6 Football Kickabout

Tomorrow 6th September Y5/6 Muxton Primary will be holding a Football Kickabout for any boy or girl from Year 5 and 6 that would like to take part during lunch break.  They just have to come to the field in their PE kit (No Teams kits, please). Footwear MUST be astroturf boots or trainers. NO STUDS BOOTS ALLOWED.