Tuesday 30th April cricket engagement day🏏


Hi all,

Tomorrow Tuesday 30th April, we have a member from the Shropshire Cricket Board coming to run a cricket engagement day at the school.

KS2 – Year 2 to 6

9.00 – 9.45 Year 3

9.45 – 10.30 Year 2

11.00 – 11.45 Year 4

1.15pm -2.00pm Year 6

2.00pm – 2.45pm Year 5

Your child will need to bring their PE Kit and water bottles.

If you need anymore information please contact: asktheoffice@muxtonprimary.org.uk

Many thanks,

Mr Perez and Miss Smith

Year 3 + 4 mixed Football ⚽️🏆

Well done to our Year 3 + 4 mixed Football team who took part in the ESFA Kickabout / Premier League Primary Stars Festival at Telford College this afternoon.
 Won 2, drew 2 and lost 1.
Well done team Muxton!! You were all brilliant 🤩

Year 3 Local area walk

The children in Year 3 will be doing a walk in the local area linked to our geography topic on settlements on the following days:

Wednesday 1 May   Mrs Thomas’ class

Thursday 2 May     Mrs Owen’s class

Please ensure that your child comes to school in suitable footwear and clothing (e.g. raincoat if rain is forecast).

If you do not wish your child to take part, please make their class teacher aware.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Owen

Reading books and reading records

Please make sure that your child comes in to school every day with their reading book and reading record so that we can do reading in class.

Many thanks for your support,

The Year 3 team

Geography survey and curriculum update

We would be extremely grateful if you could help your child to fill in this very brief survey. There are only 5 questions!

The Geography Concepts document should be useful to support your knowledge of the Geography curriculum that is covered in school. Please ask your class teacher or Mr Auckland if you have any questions.

There are also some fabulous resources from the BBC Geography site that include video explanations of the areas we study at school along with quizzes so you can check if your child’s knowledge is sticking!

Can your child name the 5 oceans of the world? Check using this video.


Art Competition (in support of Dogs Trust)

As you may know every few weeks the School Council hold a School Council Surgery where all of the school community are welcome to drop in and give suggestions. These suggestions may be general suggestions or sometimes the Surgery has a specific theme which the children will come and share their ideas. Earlier this year, the School Council asked the children to suggest charities that they would like to support and Dogs Trust was suggested several times. Alison, from Dogs Trust will be in school visiting Year 5 in a few weeks time and School Council, with the help of Mrs Standish and Mrs Fowler have decided to run an Art Competition to try and raise funds for the dog welfare charity. Please see the poster image and link to the poster below for more details!

School Council Art Competition

Year 3 History Workshop

Year 3 History Workshop

Polite reminder that as you will know from our post before the Easter break, Year 3 will experience an all-day history workshop on Wednesday 10th April which is based on our theme – the Ancient Romans.

The cost of the workshop is £8.40 per child. Thank you to those parents and carers who have already paid their contribution. If you have not yet done so, please make your payment and give consent as soon as possible via your child’s Scopay account under trips and events.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

Year 3 team