STEM club update

What a great time we have been having at STEM club! Our children have already put together the chassis for their prototype car designs. We will keep you updated with their design ideas.

There are some spaces left for STEM club at the moment; the project we are working on at the moment will continue in the Autumn term so now is an ideal time to join. The club will continue to happen on Wednesdays 3:15 – 4:15pm in the Autumn term.

If you join now you will only pay for the remaining sessions which would be 5 x £3.50 = £17.50. Please contact the to book your place.

Missing scooter

Dear Parents and carers,

A child in year 2’s scooter has gone missing at the end of the day today. It is a blue, two wheeler scooter and was kept by the bicycle racks near year 5/6.

If your child comes to school with a scooter could you please check that they have taken the correct scooter home with them.

Thank you

Year 3 Cosford Educational Visit

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know we will be visiting Cosford on Friday 21st June. Your child will need permission to attend the visit and a packed lunch on this day. Please ensure you have signed in to your scopay account to complete the consent box and select whether you will be providing a packed lunch for your child or if your child is in receipt of free school meals and you wish the school kitchen to provide one for you.

Many thanks

Year 3 Team

NSPCC Assembly – Speak Out, Stay Safe.

Tomorrow, Mrs Pritchard, Miss Leech and the Muxton Safeguarding Voice pupils will be delivering assemblies on the NSPCC’s Speak out, stay safe programme.

These will be done in key stage assemblies and a follow up workshop will be completed in classes over the coming weeks.

Please see attached information about what the programme entails.


Year 3 Forest School Newsletter

Following their exciting sessions at Forest School during the autumn term, Mrs Turner and Mrs Wilkinson have created the attached newsletter. You will see they really did have the most fabulous time during these sessions that enhance the taught curriculum in school.

Y3 FS newsletter 2324

Year 3 STEM – LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime Robotics workshop RAF Cosford

Dear Parent/Carer,

Your child will have an excellent opportunity to participate in an exciting STEM robotic workshop on the 21st June 2024. This visit links with STEM learning which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

During this interactive workshop, students will expand their knowledge by building and coding a SPIKE™ Prime robot, learning through play and exploring the concepts of science, engineering and physics in action.

They will learn the basics of coding alongside teamwork skills and the importance of perseverance when initial concepts do not work.

The cost of the workshop is £9.20 voluntary contribution. We need enough voluntary contributions in order for this experience to take place.

If your child is eligible for school dinners, please indicate if you require it to be provided for your child.

Ensure your child wears weather-sensible clothing and footwear, has a water bottle and sun cream if required.

Please make payment and give consent via your child’s Scopay account under trips and events no later than the 3rd of June 2024.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

Year 3 team

Tuesday 30th April Cricket Engagement Day

Tuesday 30th April cricket engagement day🏏


Hi all,

Tomorrow Tuesday 30th April, we have a member from the Shropshire Cricket Board coming to run a cricket engagement day at the school.

KS2 – Year 2 to 6

9.00 – 9.45 Year 3

9.45 – 10.30 Year 2

11.00 – 11.45 Year 4

1.15pm -2.00pm Year 6

2.00pm – 2.45pm Year 5

Your child will need to bring their PE Kit and water bottles.

If you need anymore information please contact:

Many thanks,

Mr Perez and Miss Smith

Art Competition Winning Entries

Thank you to all of the children that entered the Art Competition -we had over 80 entries, raising an amazing £80.40 for Dogs Trust. Mrs Standish and Mrs Fowler were amazed at the variety and talent that the children demonstrated through their entries and struggled to find just one KS1 and KS2 winner, deciding in the end to award year group prizes too. Please see the winning entries below and a picture of some of the winners with Alison from Dogs Trust. A big thank you too to the PTFA and Dogs Trust for their donations of prizes.

Ks1 winner: Rosa (Y2)

Ks2 winner: Lucy (Y4)

Year 1 winner: Ella

Year 2 winner: Tallulah

Year 3 winner: Harrison

Year 4 winner: Annabelle

Year 5 winner: Owen

Year 6 winners: Viran, Fox and Sapphire