Year 3 spellings week 4

Spelling Week 4

Please find below this weeks spellings. Your child should be able to tell you which spelling list they been working on this week.

Please find this week’s here –

Homophones 1











Click here to find the SNIP spelling activities

Please find this week’s vocabulary list here –  Yr3 wordlist 3

Please support your child by ensuring they can read these words and give definitions of them.

We would also like the children to practise their times tables. This can be completed in any way which help your child to understand and remember these facts. Remember you child does have access to our schools Times Table Rockstars subscription which is a fun way to learn times table facts.

Best of luck for your tests on Friday 🙂

Year 3 spellings

Spelling Week 3

Please find below this weeks spellings. Your child should be able to tell you which spelling list they are working on this week.

Please find this week’s spelling list here – Spelling list

Click here to find the SNIP spelling activities

Please find this week’s vocabulary list here Yr3 Wordlist 1    Please support your child by ensuring they can read these words and give definitions of them.

Best of luck for your tests on Friday 🙂

Year 3 Spelling

Please find below this weeks spellings. Your child should be able to tell you which spelling list they been working on this week.

Please find this week’s spelling lists here – week 2 spellings

Click here to find the SNIP spelling activities

Please find this week’s vocabulary list here –  yr3 wordlist 2

Please support your child by ensuring they can read these words and give definitions of them.

Best of luck for your tests on Friday 🙂

Year 3 Forest School

Forest school sessions will start next week for Year 3.  These will be running on alternate weeks. Your children will be bringing home a paper copy of the information, stating which dates their sessions will be on.  The letter refers to a link which is attached here.


Please could you complete this short survey by Monday 16th September, regarding medical and allergy information