Water and Fruit

Please can we ask that only water is brought into school in water bottles (and not juice). All of Key Stage 1 are entitled to a piece of fruit at breaktimes. If you wish to bring in your own piece of fruit, this is fine but could we please ask that only fruit is brought into school and not sugary fruit snacks.

Thank you

Coming into school Y2

From tomorrow, can Year 2 please come into school through the classroom doors (the same ones that they exit through at the end of the day). The door which they have previously entered will now be locked. If you have any questions, please speak to myself or a member of the Year 2 team.

Many thanks

Mrs Standish

Forest School

Good morning,

Forest School will begin on Friday.

Can Mrs Standish’s class please come to school in Forest School clothes and bring their PE Kit to change in to.

Can Miss Hellyar-Jones’ class please come to school in their uniform and bring their Forest School clothes with them.

We will post details of when Y2 will start their sessions later this half term.

Can we ask that all parents, please complete the following:
