Year 1 Phonics Meetings next week

Good afternoon

Next week we will be running two parent phonics meetings. During the meeting, we will talk about the year 1 expectations in phonics and explain more about the phonics check that the children will take later in the year (June). Please sign into school and then walk through the gate into your child’s classroom on the day.

Miss Hellyar-Jones: Tuesday 17th 2.45p.m.

Mrs Standish: Friday 20th 2.45p.m.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please go to the ‘Classroom’s area of the website, click onto ‘Year 1’ and you can access the powerpoint that will be used, here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask a member of the team.

Many thanks

Mrs Standish and Miss Hellyar-Jones

Class Dojo

Good morning

The children have settled back into school really well and already lots of Dojo points have been gained! Well done to all! Please can we ask that you do not send messages into school using the Dojo messenger. If you have a message for a member of staff, please either speak to staff at the beginning or end of the day, send a message to the year group email inbox, or contact the school office. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Mrs Standish


Reading Books and Home School Diary

Good afternoon,

Today, your child will bring home a reading book in a reading folder. Please listen to your child read at least 3-5 times a week (reading the book several times if possible to increase fluency). Each time your child’s reads at home, please put a comment in the Home/School link book and we will reward them with a sticker on their reading bookmark. In addition to this, from week 3, children will also bring home a blank Floppy’s phonics sheet (in a phonics folder) on a Monday and a Wednesday. This sheet will contain phonemes and words and will have cumulative sentences at the bottom that we are focusing on in school (and have completed in our school phonics book). Please can you practise reading a selection of these words and sentences on the sheet with your child, putting a tick above the words that they are able to read.  Please also practise writing some of words on the back of the sheet. Reading at home 3-5 times a week and the completion of phonics sheets at home will be our homework expectation throughout Year 1.

You can leave messages in the Home School Reading Link Book but if it is urgent, please talk to an adult on the door in the morning or send in an email via the office for the attention of your child’s teacher. Non urgent messages can also be sent into school via the Year 1 email address which can be found on the Year 1 page in the ‘Classrooms’ section of the website.

If you have any questions at all about this or anything else, please speak to a member of the year 1 team.

Thank you

Mrs Standish and Miss Hellyar-Jones.


Forest School and PE

P.E will start next week.

Miss Hellyar-Jones: Thursday

Mrs Standish: Friday

Forest School is due to start on Friday 27th September. If this changes, we will let you know.

PE Kits Year 1

Please see the following information about PE days:

Miss Hellyar-Jones: Thursday

Mrs Standish: Friday

Please send PE Kits into school on the day.


Forest School

This year, Year 1 and Year 2 will rotate forest school half termly. Year 1 will do it the first half term and Year 2 the second half term.

Details for Year 1: Mrs Standish’s class will need to come in to school in forest school clothes with their uniform clearly named named in a plastic bag. Miss Hellyar-Jones’ class will need to come to school in full uniform with their forest school clothes to get changed in to.

Dates for commencement of forest school to be confirmed shortly. 

Reading Books

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all of your support with reading and phonics this year. We have now collected in all of the reading books. Please continue to read to your child and listen to your child read over the summer holidays and new books will be distributed in September.

Many thanks

The Year 1 Team

A Huge Thank You!

Message from School Council! 

A huge thank you to the PTFA for helping to raise money for our new play equipment ‘Ninja Zone’. We are slightly short of the amount required and our wonderful PTFA have made up the shortfall. Therefore, we are delighted to announce that the new equipment has been ordered and will be here when we return to school in September! As you are aware, all of the PTFA are volunteers and have given many hours to support school this year. Please see the photograph below of School Council members Rosa and Ferne presenting Naiomi Harper, Chair of the PTFA, with a bouquet of flowers and thank you cards. We would also like to thank all of you, the parents, for all of your support and donations towards PTFA events throughout the year.

Your 2023/24 School Council

Evelyn, Elsie, Olivia, Jonah, Robbie, Letty, Lily, Wilf, Sebastian, Noah, Mario, Thomas, Lilly, Tallulah, Michelle, Dilnaaz, Minahil, Eshaal, Dillon, Rosa, Ferne, Phoebe, Logan and Amber 


Plastic Bag Note

Please can I remind everyone to bring a plastic bag into school tomorrow if you haven’t already. This will be needed as books will go home tomorrow night. We would welcome any spare bags that anyone may have. Thank you in advance,

Mrs Standish