P.E Kits

Beginning next week 30.9.24 can children bring in their P.E kits on a Monday and they will be sent home on a Friday.

Mrs Standish’s class will come in their Forest School kits on a Friday and their P.E kits will already be in school for them to change in to.



Forest School

Forest School will begin on Friday 27th September.

Can Mrs Standish’s class please come to school in Forest School clothes and bring their PE Kit to change in to.

Can Miss Hellyar-Jones’ class please come to school in their uniform and bring their Forest School clothes with them.

Water and Fruit

Please can we ask that only water is brought into school in water bottles (and not juice). All of Key Stage 1 are entitled to a piece of fruit at breaktimes. If you wish to bring in your own piece of fruit, this is fine but could we please ask that only fruit is brought into school and not sugary fruit snacks.

Thank you

Missing Coat

A child in Miss Hellyar-Jones’ class has lost their coat. Please check at home for the missing coat and in your child’s bag. The initials of the child’s name in the coat are JV.


Forest School

Good morning,

Forest School will begin on Friday.

Can Mrs Standish’s class please come to school in Forest School clothes and bring their PE Kit to change in to.

Can Miss Hellyar-Jones’ class please come to school in their uniform and bring their Forest School clothes with them.

We will post details of when Y2 will start their sessions later this half term.

Can we ask that all parents, please complete the following:


PE Kits and Forest School Mrs Standish’s class

Good afternoon

Message for Mrs Standish’s class only

For the Autumn Term, from next week, when we are envisaging Forest School to start, please see the following arrangements: Children are to please come to school in Forest School clothes and to bring their PE kit in a separate bag. Children will change into PE Kits after Forest School and then remain in these for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow: Please come to school in school uniform and bring PE kit in a separate bag.

Thank you,

Mrs Standish

Phonics Update

Good afternoon

Thank you to all of the parents in Miss Hellyar-Jones’ class who attended the Parents Phonics Meeting yesterday. We will be delivering the same presentation/meeting on Friday at 2.45p.m. to the parents of Mrs Standish’s class. If there are any parents that missed yesterday’s meetings and wish to attend the other one, please do so. Please come around to the outside classroom door at 2.40p.m. If you are not able to make the meeting, please visit the Classrooms section of the website and click on to Year 1. Please scroll down to the Reading and Phonics section and you will also find the presentation there.

Reading Folders

Thank you to all parents who are listening to their child read between 3-5 times a week (please overread the same book a minimum of twice to help to develop fluency). We can not emphasise enough the importance of listening to your child read to support their early phonic and literacy skills. Each time your child’s reads at home, please put a comment in the Home/School link book and we will reward them with a sticker on their reading bookmark. We have already given out lots of stickers in the first two weeks already!

Phonics Folders

Tonight, your child will come home with a Phonics sheet. At the top of the sheet are the graphemes and words that we have revised today in our phonics lesson. At the bottom of the sheet are 2 sentences that we will be working with in tomorrow’s phonics lesson. Each week, your child will bring 2 of these sheets home. Please listen to your child read both the words and the sentences and please tick the words that they can segment and blend confidently. We will be sending home Phonics Folders and these sheets are to be kept in there, please. This way, you can recap previous taught sounds and re-read previous taught sentences, at home and we can keep of track of progress at home.


On a Monday we will be teaching the spelling of 3 words to the children. These words will be added to the website in the Spelling section of the Year 1 page (in Classrooms), and emailed home in a message. On a Friday we will test the spelling of these words.

Reading at home 3-5 times a week, the completion of phonics sheets at home, and the learning of 3 spellings weekly will be our homework expectation throughout Year 1.

Thank you for your support in this matter. If you have any questions at all about this or anything else, please speak to a member of the year 1 team.

Kind Regards

Miss Hellyar-Jones and Mrs Standish


Library for Mrs Standish’s class and Miss Hellyar-Jones’ class is every Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure your child returns their library book on a Wednesday if they would like to change it for a new one.