STEM Activities from Mrs Mee

Hi All

Mrs Mee has been in touch. She says she is missing working with all of the children and she can’t wait to be back in the classroom but until that happens she has recreated a virtual classroom  to give the children some ideas which they can experiment and explore with!

She has created a bank of prerecorded activities which are accessible via Kids You Tube.

You Tube Tutorials 

She has created a range of short focussed activities (as tutorials) that children can get involved in using materials that you can find in and around the home.

The tutorials are all linked to the STEM curriculum.

The tutorials she has created so far focus on: Computer Aided Design, Mechanisms (joining materials and components to explore movement) and structures. They can be followed step by step, but she would encourage them to explore and experiment with size and materials etc.

She is adding a new tutorial every Monday.


Every month she is planning on setting a challenge with a prize attached just to make it a little more engaging. This months challenge is to design and make the tallest freestanding structure, details of this can be found on The STEM Workshop, You Tube Channel

The children will find the challenge, the criteria and date the entry needs to be submitted. Entries to be submitted as either a photo or a video

Date of submission – Friday 29th May

Winner Announced – Monday 1st June

You Tube Channel –

Mrs Moreton


Poles Apart Learning Overview

Hello parents and children. As promised here you can find the links to this half terms learning overview. There are links to a variety of resources to help you and your children. The key text is also linked below.

Stay safe, Miss Davies, Mrs Petrylak and Mrs Pollard

Year 1 Poles Apart Overview

Poles Apart Story

*NEW* The Zoo Vet reading comprehension

*NEW* Anthony Browne Gorilla storyboard and Gorilla by Anthony Browne Guided Reading

Welcome Back! Year 1 Summer Term first half

Welcome back Year 1!

We hope you have had a lovely Easter break with your families and are ready for all the fantastic learning and activities we have planned for you to start the Summer term.  We have attached an overview for you and your parents to have a look at with lots of activities you can get involved with. We look forward to receiving photos and reading emails letting us know how you are getting on!

Miss Davies, Mrs Petrylak and Mrs Pollard.

Year 1 Summer 1st half term

The story mentioned in the English section will be available soon on the Year 1 page of the website

23.3.20 – Miss Martin’s Home Learning Heroes!

I have been thrilled to see so many of you have already been having a go at ‘learning from home’. I hope that you have enjoyed the first day of this new adventure!

Some ‘Home Learning Heroes’ have been:

Charlie (maths, spelling)

Maisie (maths, reading)

TJay (maths, reading, spelling)

Mason (maths, spelling)

Grace (maths, reading, spelling)

Nik (maths, spelling)

Amala (reading)

Naomi (spelling)

I believe there have been so many people trying to log onto Purple Mash that the website has crashed! Fingers crossed we can all get on it tomorrow!

Alfie reading Time to Time Travel

I have also had some lovely emails with some work attached to them today. Seeing what you have been up to on our first day of learning from home has been wonderful. Keep up the amazing work!

Miss Martin


Year 1 Homework 14.2.2020

Over half term please complete the phonics sound check with your child for each phase. Additionally, please continue to support your child in practising to read and spell the Year 1 common exception words, which should be secured by the end of the year.

Half Term Phonics and Key words