Reading Books and Home School Diary

Good afternoon,

Today, your child will bring home a reading book in a reading folder. Please listen to your child read at least 3-5 times a week (reading the book several times if possible to increase fluency). Each time your child’s reads at home, please put a comment in the Home/School link book and we will reward them with a sticker on their reading bookmark. In addition to this, from week 3, children will also bring home a blank Floppy’s phonics sheet (in a phonics folder) on a Monday and a Wednesday. This sheet will contain phonemes and words and will have cumulative sentences at the bottom that we are focusing on in school (and have completed in our school phonics book). Please can you practise reading a selection of these words and sentences on the sheet with your child, putting a tick above the words that they are able to read.  Please also practise writing some of words on the back of the sheet. Reading at home 3-5 times a week and the completion of phonics sheets at home will be our homework expectation throughout Year 1.

You can leave messages in the Home School Reading Link Book but if it is urgent, please talk to an adult on the door in the morning or send in an email via the office for the attention of your child’s teacher. Non urgent messages can also be sent into school via the Year 1 email address which can be found on the Year 1 page in the ‘Classrooms’ section of the website.

If you have any questions at all about this or anything else, please speak to a member of the year 1 team.

Thank you

Mrs Standish and Miss Hellyar-Jones.


Vocabulary Builder Words

Please can we ask that you practise the order of the days of the week and the months of the year at home this weekend. Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 1 Team

Vocabulary Builder Words

Please talk about these words with your child and discuss the meaning in the context of a sentence.






Homework Y1 21.6.24

Next week, we are going to be writing a letter from Sunny to his mum and dad (based on the book Meercat Mail). Sunny is going to be writing the letter from a farm. For homework this weekend, we would like the children to talk about 5 things about a farm that Sunny might include in his letter.

Thank you

The Y1 Team

Y1 Homework

In our Geography unit this half term, we are learning about Human and Physical Features. The children have learnt that physical features, such as rivers and mountains, are features that would exist even without any humans. This weekend we would like the children to think about somewhere they have visited and talk about 3 physical and 3 human features. They can draw and label them if they wish and bring this into school to show and talk about in ‘Show and Tell’.

Phonics Homework Y1

Please see attached the phonics homework for this week. Please ask your child to verbally segment (sound out) and read the words to you, remembering that the alien words are not real words.

Thank you for your continued support.

Set 6 QR slips

Phonics Homework

Please find attached the phonics homework for this week. As per the last few weeks, please encourage your child to segment each word (real and fake) out loud verbally to you. Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 1 Team

Set 5 QR slips

Phonics Homework 10.5.24

Please find attached a QR code to scan for (alien and real) words for your child to sound out/segment. This is in preparation for the phonics check in June.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Standish Set 2 QR slips

Phonics Homework

Please find attached phonics homework for this week. Please scan and work through with your child encouraging them to segment/sound out each word verbally. Thank you for your continued support.

Many thanks

The Year 1 Team

Set 4 QR slips