Reception Homework 09.02.2024

Please work through the level 2 helpful words with your child. If your child is confident recognising the words, please get your child to spell and write the words.

Level 2

Have a lovely half term break,

The EYFS Team.

Reception Parent Lunch – Success


Thank you to all those that were able to attend Mrs Pollard’s Class Parent Lunch. It was a huge success and the children thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.

Please see below some of the fantastic feedback we received:

‘Fantastic lunch and brilliant portions. Mrs Pollard is a fab teacher and we are very very happy’

‘Fantastic Kitchen Staff and great to spend time with my child’

‘We had a very good time. It was fab, the food was good. It was nice to have lunch with my child in his school environment’

‘The food was yummy and my child enjoyed showing me what to do’

‘Good quality food, very lovely experience’

‘It was lovely to see how independent all the children are’

Spring Term Parent/Carer Meetings


We will be holding our Spring Term Parent/Carer meetings in school on the following dates:

  • Thursday 29th February 3.30 – 6.00pm (last appt 5.50pm)
  • Monday 4th March 3.30 – 5.00pm (last appt 4.50pm)
  • Tuesday 5th March 3.30 – 5.00pm (last appt 4.50pm)

Please click the link below and fill in the relevant information for your child, to indicate when you will be available for your consultation.  To give the best possible chance of securing your preferred time slot we suggest replying by Friday 9th February.

Please note that meeting times for Mrs Standish’s class are as follows:

  • Thursday 29th February 4.50 – 6.00pm (last appt 5.50pm)
  • Monday 4th March 3.30 – 5.00pm (last appt 4.50pm)
  • Tuesday 5th March 3.30 – 5.00pm (last appt 4.50pm)

Please note that meeting times for Miss Evan’s class are as follows:

  • Tuesday 5th March 3.30 – 6.00pm (last appt 5.50pm)
  • Wednesday 6th March 3.30 – 5.00pm (last appt 4.50pm)
  • Thursday 7th March 3.30 – 5.00pm (last appt 4.50pm)

Once you have completed the form, your child’s class teacher will be in touch to let you know your child’s allocated time slot.

Many thanks

School Office

Muxton Primary

Keeping children safe online parent workshop 12.3.24

Keeping children safe online parent workshop: Tuesday 12 March 2024 5.30-6.30pm

With more access than ever before to phones and other technology, it can be difficult to understand how to keep your child safe in an increasingly digital world.

The workshop is fully funded and will cover:

  • What online harm is and online gang recruitment.
  • Ways you can effectively help and support your children
  • Understand why and how children can become victims
  • How your response can support your child
  • An award-winning approach to support young people at risk of exploitation
  • Delivery by lived experienced professionals

To access the workshop (delivered via Teams – Teams app not necessary for participation), please click on the link below just before the training begins.

Tuesday 12 March 2024 5.30-6.30pm

Click here to join the meeting

Homework 02.02.24

Next week we shall be finding out about the Chinese New Year. We have sent home a sheet so that everyone in your family can discover which animal matches the year they were born. Please write the information on the sheet and return it to school on Monday.

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Homework 26.01.24

As part of our work around the Jill Murphy book Whatever Next we have started to identify and discuss the planets. We have listened to Gustav Holst’s Venus, Mercury and Mars. Can the children choose one of the planets they would like to listen to with you.

In maths we have been exploring capacity. The children are good at using the vocabulary e.g. full, nearly full, half full…

We have been comparing how much different containers can hold, for example, “The blue cup is full of sand. If I tip the sand into the yellow bowl, will the bowl be full?”

Could the children find a variety of containers and explore capacity. Please add any photos or comments to Tapestry or the Home School Book.

Thank you

Homework 19.01.24

This week in Forest School the children have enjoyed making ice decorations. This weekend we would like them to make some at home.

The children will select some natural objects such as conkers, leaves etc and add them to muffin tins which have some water in. They will then add some string which will be the handle . Leave the muffin tray outside and the children can keep checking to see if the water has turned to ice. Can they talk about the process? Are they able to tell you what would happen if they took their ice decorations inside?

Please add any photos to Tapestry.

Forest School

Just to confirm, unlike previous years, we have Forest School sessions every week throughout the year. Mrs Pollard’s class have their sessions every Monday, Miss Hellyar-Jones class, every Thursday. If there is a change to this routine we will let you know via the website and Home School Links books.


Homework 12.01.24

This week we have been sharing Jill Murphy books with the children. Each child had a Jill Murphy book from school for Christmas. Could you read your child’s book with them over the weekend, discuss the characters and the beginning, middle and end of the story. Perhaps you could visit the library and look for other Jill Murphy stories or look online.