Mrs Pollard’s Class

Ajai has mislaid a black zip PE top which has his name in. Please check your child’s PE bag.

Homework 08.03.24

Next week in maths we shall be exploring time. Over the weekend could the children see how many times they can –

jump in one minute

write their name in one minute

write numbers in order in one minute

which number can they count up to in one minute

World Book Day

What a fantastic day we have all had celebrating world book day today. The costumes were fantastic, and the children have all had an exciting day filled with different activities. Year 5 had the Grand High Witch visit them as they read The Witches. Year 1 created their own dragons as they read Zog. Reception created a pirate ship. Year 2 wrote funny letters from the staff based on the book The Day the Crayons Quit. Year 4 created maps turning Muxton into a Rabbit Warren using the maps from Podkin One Ear. Year 6 plotted coordinates based on a ship wreck and Year 3 wrote diaries using their main character as a stimulus.  It was a fantastic, fun-filled day for all. Thank you for all your efforts to get costumes ready and for reading with your children and creating that love for reading.



Forest School- Miss Hellyar-Jones’ Class

There will be no Forest School on Thursday 7th March. Children can wear their World Book Day outfits to school.

Many thanks,

Miss Hellyar-Jones

Homework 01.03 24

Thursday 7th March is World Book Day. For homework can the children –

  1. Choose which book character they would like to dress up as on Thursday
  2. Have a photo taken of them reading their favourite book. Please add the photo to Tapestry or send a copy into school.

Happy reading!

Homework 23.02.2024

Next week in Maths we shall be exploring length. Over the weekend could you read the story Superworm by Julia Donaldson with your child. If you don’t have a copy at home, please listen to the story on Youtube- Superworm | Bedtime Stories for kids – YouTube

If you have a copy of Superworm at home, please can your child bring it in next week to share with the class.

Vocabulary to discuss with your child-

long, short, shorter, longer, longest, shortest

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Pollard and Miss Hellyar-Jones

Mrs Pollard’s Class

Can you please check your child’s PE bag as 3 children have mislaid black zip jackets. We have found a navy blue zip jacket and joggers, neither items are named.

World Book Day 7th March


World book day will be held on Thursday 7th March this year and we are inviting the children to dress up as a character from their favourite book. These can be characters that require a costume or a character which involves them dressing in their own clothes. This year, each class will be reading a special book and completing work all day related to this. We hope this can be a fun day for all the children.

We will be sending home £1 book tokens and a sample of the books which can be purchased can be seen below.

Here is a link to the world book day website incase you want to complete any activities with your children