Y6 Home Learning 31/3/20

Welcome back Y6’s!

Did you solve the Robinson Crusoe riddle? If not, here is the answer…

(If you can’t see the above video, click on the following link or go to the school website and follow the links to the Y6 classroom.)

Robinson Crusoe Video Link

Today’s challenge:

Create your very own mini water cycle. There are a number of different things you might try, from using a sandwich bag or water bottle to creating a more complex system such as the one in the video. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

Image result for water cycle in a bag

Water is Water: 3 Experiments for Kids  Water Cycle Experiments

Be as creative as possible and remember to email the photos! And remember, check out the previous  posts with more challenges/learning activities.

#getcreative! #getmaking!



Haynes’ Heroes Hall of Fame!

Okay so my class, we may have been outnumbered again by Mr Bailey’s class but there was still some fantastic work going on. And afterall, it’s quality not quantity!

#TimeTeamTom! (with his fabulous research into the history of Granville)

#CraftingCalum! (showing off his excellent sewing skills)

#EducatedElla! (with her amazing work on minibeasts, maths and the water cycle!)

#KickingitKatie! (with her awesome work on minibeasts, Whiterose maths and Bug Club reading!)

Well done again and keep the emails coming.

Below are some photos of the amazing work you have been doing:

Keep up the good work and if you haven’t already attempted it, have a go at today’s Robinson Crusoe challenge. Answers will be revealed tomorrow!

#keeplearning!  #knowledgeispower!

Y6 Home Learning 30/3/20

Good morning Y6’s!

Thirsty? Need a glass of water before we begin?

Stop! Wait! Did you know you are drinking dinosaur pee? How can that be?

Welcome to today’s lesson about the water cycle!

Click below to find out more:

What is the water cycle?

Using this information, and any more research you would like to do, draw a labelled diagram to show your understanding. Then, complete the Water Cycle activities on PurpleMash.


Please help…I am Robinson Crusoe and I am stuck on a desert island. The sun is beating down on me and I desperately need to drink but there is only sea water. I need to create a way to purify the water so I can drink it! Using your knowledge of the water cycle, what do you think I should I do? Send in your ideas.

Well done to all of you who have submitted their work for previous challenges (I hope you enjoyed the photos!) but…

Calling Haynes’ Heroes!

Not that I’m competitive at all, but where is my (Mrs Haynes’) class? I think some of them are still asleep! If you know their email/text, give them a virtual nudge and get them to send in their work!

#Happy learning! #Cheers!




Haynes’s Heroes and Bailey’s Best!

Well it’s been a busy old week! Here are just a few of the things you have all been up to:


We have loved seeing all your photos. Keep them coming and make sure you pass the word on. If you can’t see someone you know in your class, give them a virtual nudge (text/email) and get them to send in their work!

Enjoy the weekend. I think you have deserved it!





Calling all Year Sixes!

Today would have been our Carding Mill Valley trip!

Although we can’t visit the area in person, we can take a virtual tour of the River Severn.

As part of your Geography work on ‘Rivers and Water in the Environment,’ please watch the following three documentaries about the course of a river:

The Upper Course: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zsskjxs

The Middle Course: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3tw2hv

The Lower Course: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00xnk3n


To show your understanding, you may wish to draw a picture/ labelled diagram or even make a 3d model out of leftover recycling/cereal boxes. For the more competitive, you could make/design a game where players have to travel along the various stages of a river or even bake a cake to show the upper, middle and lower course! There is also an online 2do on PurpleMash (River Facts) if you prefer.

Here are some ideas to inspire you…

The course of a river

Be as creative as possible and don’t forget to email in your photos!

We look forward to seeing all your work!

#getcreative #beinspired #keeplearning!




Haynes’ Heroes and Bailey’s Best!

Well done to all of you who have completed work; we have been really impressed with all your efforts!

A big shout out to Aidan (some super photos) and Shrish (a fabulous drawing inspired by David Hockney).

Keep the photos/work coming! We can still award dojos and table points!

Mrs Haynes and Mr Bailey


Year 6 Home Learning

Welcome to our Year 6 online learning. The work will be added here on a daily basis.

Please email year6.muxton@taw.org.uk from your email to show us your child’s work (a photo taken with a phone and attached is fine). We will then give your child feedback.

The expectation is that your child completes the work set for each day. They then need to submit their completed work each day via email to their class teacher. Please contact us if this is proving a challenge. 

Some lessons will have a Powerpoint  so make sure you click on that to understand the lesson and in some cases hear one of us talk to you! (Some of them may have been saved as pdfs and will just open as a pdf) Then click on the activities to complete the work.

Just a quick note – the Powerpoints do work best if you open them on a device which has Powerpoint installed. This can be downloaded for free to your smartphone or tablet by using the Apple App Store or Android Google Play. Free Office is freely available to download for PCs/laptops.

Wednesday 6th January:

Spelling Activity – 06 01 21

Maths – Common Factors Video Link (https://vimeo.com/464241360)

Common Factors     Common Factors Answers

Common Factors Factors Recap (Easier) Factors Recap Answers


English – Y6 Monsters

From the ‘Yr6 Monsters’ pdf, please complete Activity 3 and Activity 4

Activity 3 – read through and familiarise with the suggested toolkit for laying out an information/non-chronological text

Activity 4 – understanding formal/informal voice and changing texts from formal to informal and vice versa

Guided Reading –  Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Read pages 4-6. Use the text to help you answer the questions below.

  1. How does Mr Brunner make his way around the museum?
  2. How do you know Mrs Dodds didn’t like Percy?
  3. How has Mrs Dodds punished Percy in the past?
  4. Why is Percy relieved to see that he recognises the picture on the side of the stele?
  5. How did the reactions of the girls and boys differ when being told the story of how Cronos ate his children?

Comprehension 06 01 21 – answers


Theme  – Sort and match a positive and negative to the correct source. 

Sources positives and negatives types of evidence JUMBLED

Sources positives and negatives types – answers

Extension Question: Which source(s) do you feel are the most reliable or most trustworthy? Give a reason to support your decision.




Tuesday 5th January:

Differentiated Maths Fluency – Fluency

Spelling Activity – Spelling Activity 1Spelling Activity 2

MathsCommon Multiples Presentation     Activity –Activity – Common Multiples

Answers (No cheating!) – Answers -Common-multiples

English – Y6-Monsters

Complete Activity One  – Read ‘Swamp Monsters’ or listen to the recording  Match the vocabulary to the definition (P.5)

Complete Activity Two – Take a look at the underlying pattern of the information text. Suggest a suitable subheading for each paragraph (P.6)

Guided ReadingPercy_Jackson_and_the_Lightning_Thief_by_Rick_Riordan

 Questions 1-5


Please email year6.muxton@taw.org.uk to show us your child’s work (a photo taken with a phone and attached is fine). We will then give your child feedback.

Still want more? Take a look at the activities below…


Year 5



Year 6



Year 6 transition to Year 7


Do work through at your own pace. If your child needs to access work from the previous year in order to access the work then that is fine.


Use our Year 6 Maths video page to consolidate your knowledge of place value. After you’ve watched the video, complete the matching worksheets.


Theme: Ancient Greece.

Please take a look at the following videos and discover where Greece is and why Ancient Greece is considered one of the greatest, most influential civilisations in history.

How was Ancient Greece organised?

What was Athenian Democracy?

What did the Greeks believe?

 Science: Light

Please watch the following videos and complete the set tasks:

What is light and where does it come from?

What is reflection and how can we use it?

What is refraction?

How do we see light?

RE: Christianity

Watch the following video and PowerPoint to discover what Christians believe, all about Christian symbols and why the Holy Trinity is important to them.

What is the Holy Trinity?


Finally, draw each Christian symbol and write a description for each, explaining what each symbol represents and means to Christians.



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