Mrs Haynes’ PE Monday 20th May

Mrs Haynes’ class will be having their PE session on Monday 20th May instead of Friday 24th May. Please ensure PE kits are brought in on Monday, ready for this session.

Many thanks

Mrs Haynes

PE kit reminder Tuesday 30th April

Last chance reminder to bring in PE kits tomorrow (Tuesday 30th) for the cricket session.

Year 6 team

Year 6 P.E. kits needed on Tuesday

On Tuesday 30th April, Year 6 have a member of the Shropshire Cricket Board visiting the school to teach a cricket lesson. Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school on this day.

Many thanks

Year 6 team

School Trip

Year 6 Cinema Trip 18th July

As an end of year treat and to make their last few days at Muxton School as enjoyable as possible, we have organised a trip to Cineworld Telford to watch Despicable Me 4.

The children will be collected from school at 9am after registration and will return before lunch. Children should still wear their school uniform as normal.

The cost of the trip will be £11.22 per child to cover the cost of the coach and trip. Please pay and give permission via your child’s SCOPAY account.

Please note, the event will only go ahead if the cost of the visit is met by contributions.  

Year 6 Team

Year 6 Christmas Homework


Hand in date: Tuesday 9th January

New year Spellings

Over the Christmas holidays, you are to complete a research project on Ancient Greece. Given that this is a two-week project, we expect a real effort in the research and presentation of your work. We would prefer to this to be in the form of a A2/3 poster that can be produced using ICT if required. However, please make sure the work is in your own words and NOT copied and pasted from the internet! The areas that can be researched include the following:

  • Who were the Greeks? What is their legacy?
  • Warfare/conflicts – Battle of Marathon, Peloponnesian War
  • Gods and Goddesses – which gods/goddesses were believed in? What did they stand for? How did religion work within Ancient Greece?
  • Athens/Sparta – where and what were these two Greek city-states? Similarities and differences?
  • Ancient Olympics – what was this? What was included? What events and who was allowed to take part?

Useful websites: Ancient Greece – KS2 History – BBC Bitesize,   Facts about Ancient Greece for Kids (

Remember, only the best will be displayed! Housepoints on offer!

Christmas Party!

Thursday 21st December

On Thursday, Year 6 will be having a class Christmas party with traditional party games and music! The children are welcome to wear their own party/non uniform clothes on this day.

Many thanks

The Year 6 Team.


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