
Good morning all,

As I am working through your responses for parents evening, it has become apparent that Thursday 10th October 5:30 – 6:00 is a very popular slot haha! Therefore, I have begun assigning appointments based on the order I received the requests. I just wanted you to know in case you wondered why some of you had not quite got the slot you requested. I have tried my hardest to make your appointment as close to your requested time as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Santopietro

Spellings WC 16.09.24

Good morning all,

We have been so impressed with the Science homework we have received so far. Well done – clearly a lot of effort has gone into this :). Please see below the spellings the children will be tested on on Friday:


Thank you for your continued support 🙂

Miss Santopietro and Mr Powis

Year 5 parental reminders

Good afternoon all,

Where has this week gone?

I just wanted to pop on here with a couple of reminders:

  • Please can I ask that all Pedestrian training letters are returned by next Tuesday. We need consent for your child to attend this training on Thursday and we are still missing a few.
  • Apologies if I have got slightly confused with what I have told you but I need to clarify that children are not allowed to walk home by themselves until Year 6. ALL children need to be collected from their classroom door which means you will need to collect them after collecting their younger sibling(s).

Have a lovely weekend!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Santopietro

School Games Gold
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