Can you help us?

As many of you know we are inspired by the curiosity approach. The children have settled in wonderfully and we are now looking to expand our home corner with authentic resources. If you have any of the below that you are willing to donate, please could you let us know.

Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS team. 🙂

Tapestry accounts

If you have not yet had access to your child’s Tapestry account, please complete the permission slip sent home at the start of the year. If you need another permission slip please let the class teacher know. 🙂

Welcome Reception 2024!

Welcome Reception! We have had a fantastic week welcoming the children in to their new classrooms. P.E is every Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their P.E kits with their school uniform in their bag. This makes the transition back to lessons easier.

If you could practise encouraging dressing and undressing independently at home, that will be a great help.

Please can all items of clothing be labelled, including bags and coats to avoid confusion.

Thank you in advance.

The EYFS team. 🙂


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