Painted pebbles

This afternoon we have decorated pebbles to hide around Muxton for you to find. If you find one of our pebbles could you email your teacher to let them know. Happy hunting!


Making Easter nests

Today Mrs Turner, Mrs Pollard and the children made chocolate cornflake Easter nests for their mini Easter eggs. We used our maths skills for measuring, weighing, counting and time and we are looking forward to eating the finished products.

Happy Easter from us all


Dates for your diary

Thursday 12th December at 2:45pm you are invited to join our Year 1 pupils, in the school hall, for a seasonal sing-along of well known festive songs.

Wednesday 18th December the whole school is invited to wear Christmas jumpers, as we will be having Christmas lunch. PTFA Christmas Disco for Key Stage 1 will also be on this day from 3:30—4:15pm.

Thursday 19th December Key Stage 1 Christmas Party afternoon from 1:15-3:15pm. If they wish, your child can bring in party clothes to change into after lunch.

Year 1 Spellings

This week we are revisiting the Phase 3 sounds igh and oa. Here are the weekly spellings linked to these sounds. Your child may have alternative spellings to these which can be found in their Home School Link Book.Spellings igh and oa

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