
After half term could you send in a bag containing spare clothes for your child in case we need to change them during the day. Please ensure that the clothes and the bag are named. Many thanks

Homework 16.10.20

This week we have been retelling and acting out the story of The Little Red Hen. The children have a sheet with pictures of the characters and some objects from the story. Could your child cut out the pictures and use them to tell you the story. They may like to try to write some of the words from me the story such as cat, dog, not I, I will…

Let us know how they get on with the activity.

Happy weekend from the Reception team.

Homework 09.10.20

This week we are asking you and your children to go on an Autumn Hunt. The children have a checklist to tick off things they see and a bag to collect leaves, conkers etc. Could you talk to your child about signs of Autumn eg weather, shorter days, colour of leaves…

Please send their Autumn Hunt bags into school as we shall use their collections for our theme and art work.

The Jolly Phonics letter sound sheets which are in the folders are sent home so that you know which sounds the children are learning.. They are also to remind the children of correct letter formation. You can keep the sheets at home.

Homework 2.10.20

Next week, to finish our block of work on the Bear Hunt, we shall be having a teddy bears picnic. Under normal circumstances we would have asked the children to bring their favourite teddy bear to school but obviously this isn’t possible. We are therefore asking you to take a photo of your child’s favourite teddy bear and either print out the photo and send it into school or email it to us at reception.muxton@taw.org.uk

Could you also share a variety of bear stories with your child eg Goldilocks, Can’t You Sleep Little Bear etc. Can they retell/talk about the stories? Can they think of their own bear story?

Have a great weekend

Homework 25.09.20

  1. We are making new friends at school. Can you ask your child to name 5 of their friends and could you write the names on the post-it provided.
  2. Could you go on a number hunt with your child e.g. number plates, door numbers, road signs… How many numbers can they spot and identify? If possible could you take some photos of the numbers they find.

Thank you

Homework 18.09.20

This week we have been thinking about classroom rules. If your child can remember any of the rules could you write them on the post-it in the Home School Links book. If they think of any other rules which may be useful could you write those too.

Have a lovely weekend, see you all on Monday

Morning routine

Could you help your children to remember the morning routine of

  • .sanitising their hands
  • .putting their Home School Links book in the box
  • hanging up their coats and bags

Thank you



Following yesterdays PE session Zac, in Mrs Pollard’s class, has mislaid a black George jacket age 5-6. If your child took it home by mistake please could you return it to school. Thank you

Our first full day…

Mrs Sykes and I are so proud of our children on their  first full day. We have had a great time. We have been learning new names, classroom rules, routines and finding where to store our resources. We think the children may need an early night tonight!

Just a reminder of the staff in reception –

The teachers are Mrs Pollard and Mrs Sykes and our HLTAs/TAs are Mrs Bowcutt and Miss Richardson. Mr Draper and Miss Alexander take the children for PE.



Mrs Pollard and Mrs Sykes are so proud of their new children. “Today has been our first full day and we have had a great time. We have been learning new names, classroom rules, routines and finding where to store our resources. We think the children may need an early night tonight!

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