Homework 07.06.24

This week our text has been Dear Zoo. We have been learning the Dear Zoo song which you can find on You Tube (Dear Zoo Song by Kathy Bumblebee). Can your child choose a zoo animal and find out 2 or 3 interesting facts about the animal. Can they bring the facts to school on Monday to share with their friends. If your child can sing the Dear Zoo song we would love to see a video of them on Tapestry.

Many thanks L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Mrs Pollard’s Class

On Monday we will be having our class photo taken so could the children come into school in their uniform and bring their Forest School clothes in a bag

Many thanks L Pollard


If you have any small boxes, no bigger than cereal boxes, could you please send them into school tomorrow as we will be making cages for our zoo animals

Many thanks L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Homework 24.05.24

The children have a Minibeast Hunt sheet in their folder. Can they go on a minibeast hunt either in their garden or in the local area. Are they able to identify the minibeasts they spot?

During half term could the children find some time to revisit the phonics they have covered this half term. Can they blend the words on the sheets and read the sentences?

Have a great half term and we will see you all on Tuesday 4th June

L Pollard

Homework 17.05.24

Our focus text for the next couple of weeks is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We have been learning to retell the story using actions to help us. Over the next couple of weeks we shall be using the text as a starting point for –

Sequencing the days of the week

Exploring healthy and unhealthy food

Learning the life cycle of a butterfly

Independent writing

Can you share and discuss the story with your child.

The resources you collected for our art session enabled the children to create some fantastic work. We would be grateful for more sticks, twigs, leaves, petals, shells etc to enable the children to revisit the activity.

Homework 10.05.24

Could the children collect twigs, sticks, leaves and petals which we can use in our next  art session.

In computing this week we have been following instructions.  We have introduced the word algorithm meaning to follow a set of instructions. We played ‘Simon Says’  to encourage the children to listen carefully. Could you play this at home? Can your child follow the instructions that you give? Are they able to give you instructions to follow? Do they notice if you make a mistake?

Many thanks L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Mislaid coat

Archie, in Mrs Pollard’s class. has mislaid his Muxton School coat. It has his name in the pocket. If your child has one of these coats please check they have the correct one.

Many thanks L Pollard

A visit from Mr Jones

On Friday we are having a visit from Mr Jones who is a First Aid trainer. He will be bringing a skeleton and a variety of bones for the children to explore prior to starting to focus on the human life cycle next Monday. He will be teaching the children some facts about their bodies and a healthy life style. He will end the session with a ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’ style quiz. We are sure the children will thoroughly enjoy the session and will tell you all about it on Friday evening

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Homework 19.04.24

This week in phonics we have introduced oa. We have listened to the story The Goat and the Stoat and the Boat to reinforce oa words. If you google it you can listen to the story at home. Can the children think of lots of oa words? Can they write them independently?

Phonics books

When the children have filled their green phonics book it can stay at home. They only need to bring their new green book to school every day.

Just a reminder to recap their phonics each day.

We will be holding our final phonics meeting later this term.

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

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