Homework 12.07.24

As we are close to the end of term could you chat with your child about moving to Year 1. Do they have any questions or concerns? If so, could you write them down and send them to us, we will answer their questions during our Jigsaw session.

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Mrs Pollard’s Class

Today was our last Forest School Session of the year. We had a camp fire and the children toasted marshmallows

L Pollard


We have now introduced the children to all of the YR Phonics. We will spend from now until the end of term ensuring the children are confidently recognising and blending the phonemes. The green phonics books can stay at home so that they can consolidate the phonemes with you.

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Homework 05.07.24

We are going on our walk to the church next week (Mrs Pollard’s class Monday, Miss Hellyar-Jones class Thursday) so for homework could you talk about road safety with your child. They could make a poster about how to safely cross a road.

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Sports Day

On Thursday the children will stay in their sports day kits all day so do not need to bring their uniforms to change into

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Library Books

We have collected the library books in today, there will not be any more library sessions until September. If your child has not brought their book back, please send it into school as soon as possible

Thank you L Pollard

Reception homework 28.06.24

As we have currently got the Euros and  Wimbledon on the television and Muxton Primary School  sports day next Thursday, this weeks homework is to practise a variety of sports skills such as football, tennis, throwing, catching, aiming, running, skipping etc. We would love to see any photos or videos of your child engaging in these activities on Tapestry.

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Homework 21.06.24

In maths we have been finding different ways of making 10. For homework could your child watch Numberblocks Series 3 Ten Again. There is a sheet with Numberblocks cards 1-10 in your child’s folder. Could they cut around the cards, place them face down on the table, pick up 2 cards at a time, if they make 10 keep them, if not put them back.

Let us know how they get on

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Sports Day

On sports day the children wear their house colours. Please see your child’s home school links book for this information.

Could you please check that you have signed the home school links book to give permission for your child to join us on our walk to the church.

Many thanks L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

Homework 14.06.24

The children have a blank number track in their folder, could they write the numbers onto the track to make a game. Some children are reversing their numbers so please support them when they are writing the numbers. Can they then make or use a dice from home to play a number game with you.

They could decorate the track to give the game a theme.

L Pollard and A Hellyar-Jones

School Games Gold
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