Spellings 16.9.24

Spelling Information for KS1 Parents | Windy Nook Primary School

Group 1











Group 2










The children should know which group they are learning. These will be tested on Friday.

Homework for Year 4

Homework | The Forest High School

Next week the children will be voting for the two class School Counsellors.

For homework this week we would like the children to write a short speech about why they would like to represent the class on the School Council. We appreciate that not everyone will want to be a School Counsellor but we would still like everyone to write a short speech.

Image result for Times Tables ClipArt

Times Tables for the week are: 2 x tables

The children need to learn them at speed ready for a test next Friday.

These may help:

2 x table cards


PE Days for Year 4

This year each class will be having two PE slots.

Mrs Moreton’s Class: Tuesday and Friday

Miss Leech’s Class: Tuesday and Friday

New Year 4 Information

Pinehurst Primary School : Year 4: Chestnut and Holly


It was lovely to meet all of your children during transition.

Please find attached below the PowerPoint we shared.

Year 4 transition powerpoint 2024-25

We also gave out a times table sheet and Y3/4 spelling sheet. These were sent out with your child before the holidays. They are also attached below.



If you have any queries please email us at Year4@muxtonprimary.org.uk

We hope you had a lovely Summer Holidays and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Mrs Moreton, Miss Leech & Miss Davies








Games Day

Tomorrow is the last day of term and the children have requested to have a games morning. If they wish they can bring in any board game or game that can be played in the classroom safely. They are not allowed to bring in any game which needs batteries or electricity.  The children are responsible for looking after their own game.

Many thanks

Year 4 Team

Bags for Books

Please can all children bring in a sturdy labelled bag to take home their old books. These need to be in school by Thursday please.


Year 4 Team

Change to PE Day

Mrs Moreton’s class will be having PE on Monday afternoon (1st July) next week because KS1 Sports Day is on Thursday.

Please make sure your child has their kit in school with them on Monday.  They will not need their PE kit on Thursday.

Many thanks

Mrs Moreton

Sports Day

SPORTS DAY – Holden Lane Primary School | Stoke on Trent | Staffordshire

Mr Auckland sent out a post last night about Sport’s Day, please read this.

I told the children I would put out a post as a reminder about what they needed.

Children to wear their school  PE kit with a T-shirt of their house colour (or as close as possible to their house colour) to school. Children will remain in their PE kit for the rest of the day. The children were all reminded of their house yesterday.

Please make sure your child has a hat and a water bottle to take outside with them.

Please also ensure your child has suntan cream applied before coming to school.

Many thanks

Year 4 Team

School Games Gold
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