A Huge Thank You!

Message from School Council! 

A huge thank you to the PTFA for helping to raise money for our new play equipment ‘Ninja Zone’. We are slightly short of the amount required and our wonderful PTFA have made up the shortfall. Therefore, we are delighted to announce that the new equipment has been ordered and will be here when we return to school in September! As you are aware, all of the PTFA are volunteers and have given many hours to support school this year. Please see the photograph below of School Council members Rosa and Ferne presenting Naiomi Harper, Chair of the PTFA, with a bouquet of flowers and thank you cards. We would also like to thank all of you, the parents, for all of your support and donations towards PTFA events throughout the year.

Your 2023/24 School Council

Evelyn, Elsie, Olivia, Jonah, Robbie, Letty, Lily, Wilf, Sebastian, Noah, Mario, Thomas, Lilly, Tallulah, Michelle, Dilnaaz, Minahil, Eshaal, Dillon, Rosa, Ferne, Phoebe, Logan and Amber 


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