OFSTED – Well done and thanks to everyone!

We are very grateful that the sunshine is here to start the weekend after an extremely busy week here at Muxton!

You’ll be aware that OFSTED conducted a 2-day inspection in school earlier this week. Whilst the report will not be finalised and shared for some time, what I can share is how immensely proud I am of everyone in our school community who has contributed to the many successes which have been recognised and celebrated during the inspection.

As always, the children made us all incredibly proud. Our amazingly dedicated team of staff all deserve special praise and thanks for the incredible work they continue to do each and every day to ensure that children at Muxton get the very best education they can.

With thanks to all our parents and families for all your continued and contributions to our school, and especially over the course of the past week.

With best wishes to you all for a restful and happy weekend,

Mrs Pritchard 😊