Happy Easter

Where Did the Easter Bunny Come From? - Easter Bunny Origins

As we reach the end of a long, busy term we wanted to wish everyone a happy and peaceful Easter holidays.

We don’t normally set homework over the half term holidays but we do during Easter as it is a little longer. We hope all the children will enjoy the art project – see homework books or Homework section of Year 5 website. Please also ensure they continue to read (Bug Club is available), practice their Year 5/6 spellings and use Times Table Rockstars for their tables practice. Sumdog and Purple Mash is also available for those that want other things to do.

If you ordered the CGP books we had on offer your child will be bringing them home tonight. Any problems please email: Year5@Muxtonprimary.org.uk   If you did not purchase them and would like to please let us know and if there is enough interest we can do a further order after Easter.

Thank you for all the support you have given your children this term, a lot of them I know are very tired and looking forward to a break from work.

Year 5 Team


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